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/ PhotoDisc 64: Global Communications / PhotoDisc 64: Global Communications.iso / pc / PHOTOS / 10MB / 64030.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1998-09-30  |  903KB  |  1664x2123
Labels: person | fashion accessory | hand | black and white
OCR: C90 C96 C8 C131 C74 C86 IC9 $119 Shon T. C82 43 Plant F42 R5 sets ITIES ANI R46 C134 DÄR40 C148 C154 counts Payable ND S O R39 R6 of in Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities R35 C100 g.Term Debe = Total 1714 Total Liabilities C142 0135 C115 ionty Interests ferred Stock C76 mmen Stock Tuned Earnings 014 C136 1108 asury Stock Total Stockholders 191011 102100001; 1016 10101066 FLOW SUMA ERY (P104010101 01010000101010101111 1010101101010 1010 01 101001001 0101010100 .2010 110101010101011010 001001010101001010 1010100101 01011010111083 01101010010011000101010100 01010101010100100010010101110000 011101010101010110101011010111010 010101910 9000010 0000 10101010010101010101010010101